3M Club - Language Society Club

Join us or renew your membership

If you want to join our mailing list at no cost so you receive early notice of those classes, please join at the Contact level or No-Fee OUS level (if eligible). US members will have to convert their Contact level membership to the appropriate Student level and pay the annual fee before registering for classes.

All members of the Language Society Club must pay annual activity club dues according to the following schedule:

  • Teachers: $0
  • Members outside the US (Students and teachers): $0
  • Students (US) - Regular (3M employees, retirees, and their spouses and dependents): $10
  • Student  (US) - Guest (contract workers, Solventum employees and retirees, their spouses and others): $15
  • Contact - $0

If you are already a member, log in with your username and password and then click on your name and choose the "edit profile" option. There you will be able to renew your membership and, if appropriate, change membership levels.

If you are new, choose your membership level below and follow the steps to join. Note that you can add yourself as a contact at no cost and receive future e-mail notifications of new class offerings and events but you will not be able to register for classes.

After completing the joining process, an e-mail will be sent to the e-mail address you use to join with a system provided password. You will need to log in with your e-mail address and that password. You can then change the password to something you can remember. When logged in and your membership is paid, you will have access to all features of the website including course registration.
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Select membership level

* Mandatory fields
* Membership level

3M Language Society Club - An Activity Club of the 3M Club

St. Paul, MN

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software